GreekYearbook has afforded me many opportunities to travel and see the country. In two years, I’ve visited Universities on both coasts and photographed Sororities and Fraternities everywhere in between. During one trip I was in six states in three days. Leaving behind the University of Maryland, it started with a layover in Tennessee before bid day at Louisiana State University and Lafayette. After another quick plane ride to Oklahoma, I drove to the next photo shoot at University of Arkansas, followed by a flight that stopped in Dallas all before heading back to Baltimore-Washington International.

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Whirlwind composite and bid day photography field trips are second nature to a GreekYearbook photographer. Each year, our nationwide team of photographers visits hundreds of Universities for thousands of bid day and composite photo shoots. Hundreds of thousands Greek community members arrive wearing their colors and crests, showing pride for their chapters and their brothers or sisters. The GreekYearbook team also wears our pride on our shoulders with state of the art photography equipment and our signature burgundy shirts, emblazoned with the company logo. Our photographers are well traveled and familiar with the Greek community. No matter what city or state your chapter needs a bid day, composite, or event photographer in; GreekYearbook has the perfect person for the job.

Bid Day on a beach in California
From the beaches at UCSD to the cool evening at Penn State, I’ve seen the most beautiful college campuses and worked with the future leaders of tomorrow through Fraternity and Sorority photo shoots in my time as a GreekYearbook photographer. At each school I visit I bring a sense of pride with me, due to the fact that they’ve chosen GreekYearbook and welcomed me into their halls to provide them with outstanding photography and exceptional customer service. Through the years I’ve had the personal pleasure of visiting many schools several times and seeing the payoff from some long days on the road. I’ve seen GreekYearbook photos proudly displayed in the Sorority and Fraternity houses for all time with immense pride. I share the pride with the Greek Community when I can view a composite or bid day photo from years past, and say with joy, “I took that photo, I remember that day.”
Dylan Kates, Portrait Sales Associate