Make money with GreekYearbook
Help us out:
GreekYearbook is looking for individuals to help during Bid Day season! Our photographers tend to have their hands full with the actual photography part – so that’s where you come in! Our services are 100% free for each Sorority and we need our Helpers to… well, help!
What we’re looking for:
Someone who is loud, outgoing, friendly and not afraid of large crowds. Think AXD’s XiMan, Phi Mu’s Lion King, or ZTA’s King of the Crown, or even Fraternity Social Chair.
Your job: Hand out and collect order forms from each member… Yep, that’s it!
What you get out of it:
How’s $50 and a free t-shirt sound? Most Bid Day photo shoots last about 2 hours. Spots are first come, first serve.